Friday, September 20, 2019
Suitable For Discharge Back Into The Environment Environmental Sciences Essay
Suitable For Discharge Back Into The Environment Environmental Sciences Essay The environment that we live in is our most valuable asset and we must not damage it by polluting the air, water ways and the earth. The concern about our environment has been taken into a serious matter in which all people and industries must play their part in keeping our environment clean and safe to live for a long time to come. The implementation of waste water treatment in private sector was a good effort from keeping the environment from being damage. In general, wastewater treatment is the process of taking wastewater and making it suitable for discharge back into the environment. Blower is one of mechanical devices that play very important role in waste water treatment. Its main function is to supply pressurized air with sufficient oxygen to meet process needs. Air is forced by blower to diffuser provide an aeration to encourage the growth of bacteria/microorganism in the water to break down the pollutants. Blowers come with variety of types; one of them is roots blower which most suitable uses for industrial waste water treatment. However, the disability of roots blower to function will bring major problem to waste water treatment section. The sewage cannot be treating because there is no air supply for aeration process. This disability may due to over-running, age factor and inner parts problem. More than that, whole manufacturing plant also will be affecting where the production line have to stop their operation because the treated discharge waste water unable to comply Standard B, Environmental Quality Act and Regulation. They also have to face loss such as the cost of downtime or shut down. This problem frequently happens in Synthomer Pasir Gudang Plant. More worse, every time the roots blower having problem, Engineering Department especially Mechanical Maintenance branch face difficulties to lift and move out the heavy blower from Blower Room. What burden them over the years is there are no proper ways to lift and move out dysfunction blower from Blower Room to send for servicing and maintenance activities. Since this project is based on my experience from previous Industrial Training, I was given an opportunity and encouragement from Engineering Department, Synthomer Pasir Gudang Plant to study the problem and design suitable blower lifter inside their Blower Room in order to helps them for maintenance works. Problem Statement The current technique used to lift and move out dysfunction blower is by hanging the chain block on the 6(six) inch stainless steel pipeline by using webbing sling. This technique is too dangerous and the possibility of the pipeline to crack and damage is very high because cannot withstand anymore the weight of the dysfunction blower after frequent usage. Besides that, improper technique of lifting heavy loads can cause hazard on workers also damage on equipments due to very low safety awareness. Other than that, the current technique just limited to lift blower itself only. Other equipments such as motor is beyond its capabilities. Fig. 1 below shows the 6(six) inch stainless steel pipeline used as a support to withstand the weight of dysfunction blower in order to lift and move out for maintenance works. H:DCIM102_PANAP1020888.JPGH:DCIM102_PANAP1020894.JPG Fig 1 The 6(six) inch stainless steel pipeline used as support to lift and move out blower These problems have motivate this project to design fully safe of new technique to lift and move out blowers as well as other equipments in order to help maintenance work involve in Blower Room, Waste Water Treatment Section, Synthomer Pasir Gudang Plant. Objective The aims of this project are: To design suitable blower lifter for maintenance activities at Blower Room, Waste Water Treatment, Synthomer Pasir Gudang Plant To propose fabrication of blower lifter Scope of Project The scope of this project will focus on design blower lifter based on problems involve in Blower Room, Waste Water Treatment Section, Synthomer Pasir Gudang Plant. The data and problems are taken directly from Synthomer Pasir Gudang Plant and any related data from others company that have Waste Water Treatment Plant will be neglected. However, if any Wastewater Treatment Plant that have exactly same configuration (Fig.2) as Blower Room in Synthomer Pasir Gudang Plant, the data involve in this project is acceptable to use. In addition, to achieve the project objectives, all information about the structure, configuration of equipments, and maintenance activities in Blower Room area is crucial in this project. C:UsersfasrayDesktoppart 7practikalpictureIMG_5216.JPGC:UsersfasrayDesktoppart 7practikalpictureIMG_5217.JPG Fig. 2 Configuration of equipments in Blower Room Blower Room, Synthomer Pasir Gudang Plant contains 5 units of blower (include motor, silencer, check valve, safety valve and pressure gauge), 10 units of butterfly valve, 2 units of room silencer, pipeline and fittings. Significant of Project The significant of this project can be dividing into two main groups; significant to Safety Maintenance work. 1) Safety The significant this project on safety is to: Reduce accident during maintenance work. Prevent equipments from damage. Provide proper way to lift heavy equipments. 2) Maintenance works Blower lifter help to improve and ease maintenance works involve in Blower Room area. This will ease the operators and technician works as this lifter will reduce the time of assembles and dissembles activities as well as reduce manpower/workers used while doing maintenance works. Besides that, the lifter could increase the worker productivity by the elimination of non-value adding material handling tasks from their work scope. Methodology Observation from industrial training Company needs Identify needs and problem define PDS Lit. Rev. Establish Target Specification Brainstorming Generate Product Concept Generate multiple concepts Concept Evaluation Pugh Chart Test against Specification CAD Detail Design FEM Simulation Testing Refinement Propose Fabrication Process Method Identify needs and problem define Ability to generate good engineering specification shows the person really understand the problems [1][2]. The initial stage of design process requires person to select specific client and identify need [3]. In this stage, there are two methods to identify the need: through observation from previous industrial training and need from employees, Synthomer Pasir Gudang Plant especially workers at Mechanical Maintenance branch, Engineering Department. Establish Target Specification Based on the workers needs and problem define from the observation, a list of target specification will establish [2]. The method to generate specification is using Product Design Specification (PDS) diagram and some literature review from existing product in market. Generate Product Concept [1] Ullman [2] epingger [3] paul m educate engineer [v] Filipp0 pds Task Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Project title selection Understanding the project title Determined the project objective Brainstorming Collecting data Literature review Report Writing Presentation Lagend: Planning Actual SFSFSF Task Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Conceptual Design Identify Need Problem Definition Establish Target Specification Generate Product Concept System-Level Design Select Product Concept(s) Test product Concept(s) Final Product Specification Plan Downstream Development Detail Design Details Drawing Bill of Materials Costing Testing Refinement Presentation Report Submission Lagend: Planning Actual F Methodology CHAPTER 2 Basic Wastewater treatment Process The goal of waste water treatment plant is to protect the environment in a manner commensurate with socio-economic and public health concerns. Wastewater is a combination of water and waste carried water come from homes, industrial and commercial facilities and institutions. Wastewater generally contains high levels of organic material, toxic, numerous pathogenic microorganisms and nutrients that extremely hazards to public health as well as lead to environmental pollution. So, wastewater must be treated appropriately before dispose to surroundings. Treatment of waste water usually carried out in four stages (Fig. 3), commonly referred as preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment [5]. Preliminary Primary Secondary Tertiary Fig. 3 Various treatment levels in a waste-water treatment plant flow diagram 1. Preliminary treatment Preliminary treatment prepares waste-water influent for further treatment by reducing or eliminating non-favourable waste-water characteristics that might otherwise impede operation or excessively increase maintenance of downstream processes and equipment. These characteristics include large solids and rags, abrasive grit, odours, and, in certain cases, unacceptable for organic loadings. Preliminary treatment processes consist of physical unit operations, namely screening and commination for the removal of debris and rags, grit removal for the elimination of coarse suspended matter, and flotation for the removal of oil and grease. Other preliminary treatment operations include flow equalization, septage handling, and odour control. 2. Primary treatment Primary treatment involves the partial removal of suspended solids and organic matter from the wastewater by means of physical operations such as screening and sedimentation. Pre-aeration with chemical additions is used to enhance primary treatment. Primary treatment acts as an earlier step for secondary treatment where the aimed of this stage is to produce a liquid effluent that suitable for downstream biological treatment and separate out the solids as a sludge that can be economically and conveniently treated before ultimate disposal. 3. Secondary treatment Secondary treatment is a stage where removal of soluble, colloidal organics and suspended solids happen after escaped the primary treatment. The process typically done through biological processes, commonly treated by using activated sludge, fixed-film reactors, or lagoon systems and sedimentation. 4. Tertiary or advanced waste-water treatment Tertiary treatment goes beyond the level of secondary treatment with 99 percent of impurities such as significant amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, biodegradable organics, bacteria and viruses is removes from sewage where producing an effluent at almost drinking-water quality. In addition to biological nutrient removal processes, unit operations frequently used for this purpose include chemical coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation, followed by filtration and activated carbon. Less frequently used processes include ion exchange and reverse osmosis for specific ion removal or for dissolved solids reduction. [5] Metcalf and Eddy. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal and Reuse. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 1991. Process Flow Diagram The high organic load wastewater stream from the production plant is transferred to Equalization tank #1 (EQ-1) where organic and hydraulic Loading is equalized. Air is supply to the equalization tank for mixing and to prevent the wastewater from septic condition. When the accumulate wastewater reach to the set point level, the EQ pump will transfer the wastewater to Equalization tank #2 (EQ-2) and to mix with the other composite wastewater from the production plant. The organic and hydraulic loading is equalized again for further biological treatment. The composite wastewater from EQ-2 shall be transferred and pumped for Secondary Treatment, an aerobic treatment system namely Alternative Intermittent Cyclic Reactor (AICAR) via neutralization tank. pH of the wastewater is adjusted to ensure the aerobic digester operates at its optimum efficiency. All chemical dosing pumps are synchronized with the level switch. The pH is monitored and adjusted according to the set points by an automatic dosing pump system. Three (3) AICAR reactors are designed to handle the wastewater at an average flow from EQ-2. Each AICAR consist of two sub-reactors. AICAR operates in continuous mode on alternatively feeding and discharging wastewater from the reactor. One AICAR is allowed to stop for maintenance at one time while the others shall be at maximum operating efficiency. AICAR operates at 3 cycles per day per reactor in normal operation . During maintenance, only two AICAR reactors are set for running mode . When AICAR-1 is in feeding mode, first half of the reactor is in aeration while second half of the reactor is in settling and decanting mode. The circulation/sludge pump will be turned on to equalize solids content in aeration tank and at the same time, the sludge pump will operate as sludge wastage pump. At this stage, AICAR-2 3 are fully in aeration basis where the blower BL-02 and BL-03 are operating against the dissolved oxygen level in the reactor. The blower-diffuser system is provided to maintain the oxygen requirement in the aerobic treatment system. The air supply system is controlled by the online dissolved oxygen (DO) meter and the frequency of the blower motor is varied against DO content in water during normal aeration cycle. However, there will be a fix blower operation frequency during the feeding cycle to ensure sufficient oxygen provided for high organic load during feeding. The secondary treated wastewater is collected in the weir compartment of all AICAR and distributed into BioNET (Biological New Environmental Technology) reactor as tertiary treatment system. BioNET will act as a biological polishing system for refractory COD and at the same time will function as an ammonia nitrogen removal system BioNET reactor consists of two parallel lines (Figure 5). The reactors are filled with porous PU foam or non-woven fibres as reactors carriers that offer a large surface area for micro-organism adherence and growth. Wastewater will flow from the bottom of the BioNET reactor and in contact with the organism which attached to the BioNET carriers. BioNET will be backwashed to release excessive bio-growth to maintain the efficiency of the bacterial digestion. The SOP for the BioNET operation is shown in Table 1. All AICAR and BioNET operation will be prefixed with PLC system. After tertiary treatment, the treated wastewater will then flow into a Clarifier for solids separation. Patented Settling Tube is used in the modified clarifier to separate solid/biomass and supernatant or clear water is discharge to main drain as final discharge treated water. Electromagnetic flowmeter, pH The final discharge water. Flow and pH monitoring is to fulfil the regulatory requirement by the DOE. Wastage sludge from AICAR and settled sludge from Clarifier shall discharge to the drum thickener for thickening purposes before transferred to sludge holding tank. Wastage sludge from sludge holding tank is conditioned with polymer prior for dewatering.
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